Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement 2023/24

This statement is made pursuant to the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act 2010, which require certain companies doing business in the UK and the State of California, respectively, to produce a statement disclosing their efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from their own business operations and supply chains.

At Jellycat we are determined that slavery and human trafficking in any form should not enter our supply chain, and the integrity with which our products are created should be upheld all the way through the manufacturing process and beyond. We are committed to ensuring workers’ rights are respected and protected in all our manufacturing locations.

Our Business
We have a Head Office in London, a UK warehouse facility, an office in Minneapolis, USA and an office in Shanghai, China. In each location, our senior management have a clear directive to report any concerns in relation to modern slavery and to act upon them without delay.

Our Supply Chain
Since our establishment in 1999 we have strived to develop, maintain and uphold direct and sustainable relationships with all our manufacturers and suppliers. This provides us with transparency throughout every step of the manufacturing process and encourages a partnership based on honesty and openness.

Our supply chain, the people who help manufacture and deliver our products, includes manufacturers in Asia, international shippers and 3rd party warehouses in Hong Kong, Minneapolis, Shanghai and the UK.

We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking. We require all of our suppliers to follow the Jellycat Responsible Sourcing Code of Practice (JCRSCOP) and they are regularly audited by independent specialists (more details below).

Potential new suppliers are audited to our social and ethical standards before we commence manufacturing Jellycat products with them; this includes a verification process to evaluate and address risks of human trafficking and slavery. We require our suppliers to communicate within their own supply chains that Jellycat will not tolerate any form of modern slavery.

Subsequent annual audits are conducted wherever any Jellycat design is manufactured. These all follow a recognised audit programme such as SMETA, and include worker interviews, documentary evidence checks and site tours. These assessments and audits can be planned or unannounced and are carried out by both third parties and senior Jellycat personnel, and they help Jellycat to evaluate supplier compliance with our standards for human trafficking and slavery in our supply chains.

Our Policies
We have a continued commitment to the wellbeing and welfare of our colleagues and the workers in our supply chain. We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking. The Jellycat Responsible Sourcing Code of Practice (JCRSCOP) is used across our supply chain in conjunction with our long-standing, existing requirements for social compliance transparency and regular third party audits.

The JCRSCOP highlights the expectations we have in all areas from the manufacturers, suppliers and partners we work with, giving the greatest protection to those within our supply chain.

The JCRSCOP specifies in detail the responsibility of manufacturers and suppliers that work with Jellycat to adhere to the UK’s Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act 2010. Any incidents of non-compliance with these Acts will result in all shipments being held while corrective actions are put in place to protect and support the workers affected. If corrective actions are not carried out within an agreed timescale, Jellycat may take further actions including the cancelation of orders and termination of business. All our key tier 1 manufacturing partners have signed the JCRSCOP demonstrating their commitment to the standards we expect our partners to adhere to.

Due Diligence and Monitoring
In the 2023/24 financial year, senior members of the Jellycat team have visited every manufacturing site that produces Jellycat toys. Our commitment to regular in person meetings is a key feature of the partnership between Jellycat and our manufacturers.

Our tier 1 suppliers have all completed annual independent third-party audits with no major or critical issues identified. Any minor issues have been corrected within agreed timescales. We continue to increase our audit expectations and are working towards an enhanced social audit programme.

We have increased the size of our Jellycat in-country teams to ensure we have day to day presence in our manufacturing sites during production. All team members are provided with training on Jellycat expectations, including training on human trafficking and slavery laws and with respect to mitigating risks within our supply chains. Our teams also and work in partnership with production teams focusing on production quality and production planning. This gives us regular contact with all staff and workers in the manufacturing sites.

We will continue to map out key tier 2 suppliers and engage with them to ensure full adherence to the JCRSCOP and ultimately our commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain.

We have reviewed the JCRSCOP and are currently updating it to include more information for manufacturers on our expectations for worker welfare and environmental/sustainability activities.

We continue to have ongoing direct communication with key partners within the supply chain re-iterating the values integral to our business in order to ensure those values are adhered to within their supply chain also.

Next Steps
Looking forward into the next financial year (2024/25), we will issue our updated JCRSCOP to all tier 1 manufacturing partners and key tier 2 suppliers.

Our third-party warehouse partners are well established, and we continue to engage with them to understand their activities to ensure they match our commitment to preventing modern slavery in our supply chain.

Our scope will broaden further to other suppliers, including those who supply packaging materials or produce marketing materials.

We will continue to assess our policies in the areas of recruitment, whistleblowing, supply of goods and services and due diligence assessments.

We will continue to review and update training and support information for Jellycat employees as well as key third party partners.

This statement is made in reference to the financial year 2023-2024 and has been approved by the Board of Directors.

Arnaud Meysselle
May 2024 (updated January 2025)